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1,000-pound butter sculpture used to power Pennsylvania communities

Reinford Farms uses digesters to divert waste from landfills and create renewable energy

A group of people standing in front of a life-sized butter sculpture of a cow
The 109th annual Pennsylvania Farm Show featured a life-sized butter sculpture entitled, From Moo to Marvel: Dairy Cows Power Pennsylvania, built by Reinford Farms and the Friendship Community 4-H Club of Dauphin County. PAcast

The Pennsylvania Farm Show's 34th butter sculpture, From Moo to Marvel: Dairy Cows Power Pennsylvania, spotlighted dairy cows as one of nature's great resources, producing milk while helping to power Pennsylvania communities with renewable energy.

The 1,000-pound work of art, which depicted a life-sized dairy cow, cityscape, and farm complete with a methane digester, was deconstructed and recycled in a digester like the one illustrated in this year's sculpture.

American Dairy Association North East and the Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program, in conjunction with Reinford Farms and the Friendship Community 4-H Club of Dauphin County, supported the carving and then dismantled the 1,000-pound sculpture at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex and Expo Center.

Dairy farms are helping cut down on emissions 

After the life-sized butter sculpture was dismantled, dairy farmer Brett Reinford transported the 1,000 pounds of butter to his dairy farm in Mifflintown, PA. Among the 1,350 acres of land and 750 cows at Reinford Farms are two methane digesters. Digesters heat organic matter to release methane which is then converted into electricity or renewable natural gas. 

The butter, along with thousands of pounds of food waste from nearby retailers, is broken down in the digester to create renewable energy. Over a single year, the Reinfords divert about 50,000 tons of food waste from landfills, turning it into a resource while also reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions.

"It's the perfect example of a sustainable and cyclical operation," said Reinford. "Our digesters provide an ideal solution for our farm and retailers to turn waste into energy."

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