Republic Services has opened California's first fully solar-powered compost facility, which will recycle food and yard waste from the San Diego region. Republic's new Otay Compost Facility will help communities meet the requirements of a new state law mandating diversion of organic waste from landfills, while operating completely off the grid.
"Republic Services has made a long-term commitment to increase the recycling and circularity of key materials like organics from the waste stream," said Pete Keller, vice president of recycling and sustainability. "Recycling organic waste into compost is one of the many ways we're providing sustainable solutions to our customers in the San Diego region, and we continue to invest in organics infrastructure across California."
State law SB 1383 takes effect Jan. 1, 2022, and will require the majority of homes and businesses in California to recycle their food and yard waste. Recycling organic waste into compost creates a nutrient-rich soil amendment, which helps preserve natural resources and reduce water consumption. The law also requires cities to purchase and use organics-based products like compost, helping ensure this material is returned to the community through the circular economy.
The Otay Compost Facility utilizes solar power to run composting operations at the site, including fans that aerate the organic material as well as oxygen and temperature sensors, and employs enhanced compost cover technology. The facility can process 100 tons of organics per day, with plans to double capacity by the end of the year.