The Glass Recycling Coalition is calling on haulers, material recovery facilities (MRFs), community program managers, glass processors, and manufacturers to weigh in on their glass recovery efforts across North America before the September 1, 2020 deadline.
The annual survey collects aggregate data on types of glass collection programs, motivation for glass recycling, priorities, and challenges in community recycling programs. The data is compared to previous years' surveys and provides a real-time attitudinal snapshot of how glass is currently recycled, collected, processed, and where it finally ends up
"We realize that glass recycling opportunities may look different in varying parts of the U.S.," said Scott DeFife of the Glass Packaging Institute and GRC Leadership Committee. "GRC has been proactively working with communities to overcome barriers regionally, and this survey is another way we connect across the recycling value chain to identify issues and best practices throughout the country," said DeFife.
The year-to-year comparative information also allows the GRC to identify trends and informs the direction of future GRC efforts.