ÉEQ salutes plan to modernize curbside recycling in Québec

Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ), the non-profit organization representing thousands of companies involved in the collection and sorting of residential recyclables, salutes the recent announcement made by the Government of Québec regarding curbside recycling reform in the province. According to the ÉEQ, companies who produce and market containers, packaging and printed matter will be entrusted with the management of the updated system, which is key for the implementation of a true circular economy for recyclable materials in the province.
"With the ongoing recycling crisis, this environmental, economic and social transformation project reflects the expectations of companies who already finance curbside recycling," said ÉEQ President and Chief Executive Officer, Maryse Vermette. "They are ready to take on the responsibility of a transparent system in order to reduce at the source and showcase recyclables as locally and efficiently as possible. Over the coming years, the successful transformation of the system will rest on the greater responsibilities companies have regarding the management of their materials, as well as on a fundamental partnership with municipalities that takes regional specificities into account."
The decision to modernize curbside recycling in Quebec is aligned with recent recommendations from members of the action committee for the modernization of recovery and recycling in the province, including ÉEQ and other key partners of curbside recycling. In the Fall of 2019, municipalities, sorting centres, environmental groups, companies and government bodies all rallied behind the necessity to increase the responsibility of companies regarding the management of the curbside recycling system, a vision which ÉEQ has held for several years.
Key success factors for this modernization are also part of the work ÉEQ began several years ago to improve curbside recycling performance, by:
- guaranteeing the use of eco-designed, recycled and recyclable materials,
- ensuring effective recovery and recycling of packaged materials,
- fostering local market development with a view to build a circular economy.
Regarding the expansion of the deposit system announced by the provincial government on January 30th, ÉEQ reiterates that these changes must be carried out fairly for companies who finance curbside recycling and whose costs are expected to be almost $180 M for 2020. The organization will participate in the upcoming work, in collaboration with other industry partners, and will pay special attention to the complementarity of the two systems.
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1600, René-Lévesque Blvd. West Suite 600
Montréal, QC
CA, H3H 1P9