European plastics industry and value chain committed to circular economy and development of closed loop
On the 11th December 2018, 13 organisations from the entire plastics value chain hosted their first annual event "The EU Plastics Industries - Towards Circularity" and presented the status of their voluntary commitments and pledges in front of the media, NGOs and representatives of the European Commission.
Following an opening message from Elżbieta Bieńkowska, EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, the various speakers had one common message: The European plastics industry and value chain are embracing the circular economy and have developed an extensive and ambitious set of voluntary measures to close the loop for plastics. All commitments will be monitored and the industry is ready to work closely together with authorities and other stakeholders to ensure the goals are reached.
The achievement of the ambitious sustainability targets depends not only on the industry but requires the support of national authorities, European legislators and consumers alike. More collection and better sorting are needed to increase recycling and incorporate more recyclate into new products.
Some industry representatives also took the opportunity to warn against the negative impacts of the proposed single-use plastics Directive on businesses and employment in the European Union, not to mention possible unintended negative environmental impacts.
Presentations were made by the International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products (A.I.S.E.), European Carpet and Rug Association (ECRA), European Disposables and Nonwovens Association (EDANA), European Federation of Bottled Water (EFBW), European Manufacturers of Expanded Polystyrene (EUMEPS), European Plastics Converters (EuPC), Polyolefin Circular Economy Platform (PCEP), PET Sheet Europe, Petcore Europe, PlasticsEurope, Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE), Styrenics Circular Solutions (SCS), and VinylPlus®.
The event "The EU Plastics Industries - Towards Circularity" will be organised on an annual basis to guarantee an open and public reporting and transparent dialogue with stakeholders on the industry's progress.