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Crusher and screener

Crusher and screener
CEC’s Crush-It / Screen-It Combination Unit combines two well-known plants to provide a complete crushing and screening solution. Crush-It will handle recycle concrete, recycle asphalt, limestone, decomposed granite, shale, basalt and other materials, while the Screen-It provides the means to deliver spec product. Crush-It / Screen-It works together as a closed circuit, total product package, or each plant will work separately.

Crush-It / Screen-It can deliver 200 to 300 tons per hour, depending on the material. The Crush-It plant is driven by a dependable CEC-built Cat engine package that also features a push button, self-adjusting, hydraulically actuated clutch that will not start when the engine speed exceeds 800 rpm. Closed circuit set up is an easy two hours.

Company info

P.O. Box 1271
Lake Grove, OR
US, 97035


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