RecyClass updates plastics recyclability protocols and design guidelines
Eighteen testing campaigns were commissioned in 2024 to study the impact of various packaging features on plastic recycling streams

Following 18 testing campaigns commissioned in 2024, RecyClass strengthened its Recyclability Evaluation Protocols and Design for Recycling Guidelines to address the impact of various packaging features on plastic recycling streams.
"Legislative targets are setting the bar high across the entire value chain. It is crucial, now more than ever, to implement standards that enhance the recyclability of plastic packaging," says Paolo Glerean, chairman of RecyClass. "RecyClass is at the forefront of this transformation, continually providing the industry with the most up-to-date recommendations for promoting plastic circularity."
Sorting and problematic packaging issues
Sorting campaigns were a primary focus of the investigations, given the importance of understanding problematic packaging behaviour in sorting processes. Specifically, small-size packaging, rigid rolling behaviour, and the impact of decorations were addressed.
Tests on PS packaging were conducted to study the effect of pots' wall thicknesses in the recycling process. Updates to the guidelines for flexible packaging include revisions within the laminating adhesive section and the inclusion of PVOH as limited compatible with the PE recycling stream for coloured flexible PE. Additionally, for rigid packaging, EVA is now recognised as fully compatible with HDPE recycling, and the recommendation on PO foamed liners was extended to the PP stream.
Independent and standardized testing methods
All testing was conducted via independent testing facilities according to standardized methods, as described in the RecyClass Recyclability Evaluation Protocols. RecyClass collaborated with other organizations to enhance insights into specific packaging characteristics. For example, research on factors affecting HDPE and PP cosmetic packaging was carried out in partnership with SPICE, leading to the classification of Thermoplastic Polystyrene Elastomers (TPS) in the Guidelines for both HDPE and PP streams.
To further increase their robustness and reliability, this year, the Protocols were peer-reviewed by a panel of academics, among which Prof. Luciano Di Maio (Università di Salerno), Dr E.U. Ulphard Thoden van Velzen (University of Wageningen - The Netherlands), and Prof. Michael P. Shaver (The University of Manchester).