Summit aims to strengthen aluminum cans’ sustainability credentials
Leaders from the aluminum beverage can industry met to discuss how to enhance leadership on key sustainability issues

The focus of this year's Global Aluminium Can Sustainability Summit, held in London, was determining ways to further sustainability issues such as decarbonization pathways and recycled content measurement. The summit reflected how the aluminum beverage can value chain is actively working to reduce planet-warming emissions while simultaneously strengthening the cans' sustainability credentials.
Attendees included leaders from major aluminum organizations from around the world, including Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI), the Brazilian Association of Aluminum Can Manufacturers (Abralatas), Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI), International Aluminium Institute (IAI), and Metal Packaging Europe (MPE).
"Together we are making substantial achievements, leading ambitious recycling efforts and pioneering innovative decarbonization programs," said IAI's director of scenarios and forecasts, Marlen Bertram. "Our partnership with global leaders from around the world is the necessary action required to create a more sustainable future for our planet."
A packaging that recycles forever
Aluminum beverage cans provide environmentally conscious consumers with a package made of a material that recycles forever, more than pays for its own cost of recycling, and delivers significant carbon emissions reductions upon recycling.
"Recycling aluminum dramatically speeds up global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions," said CMI president Robert Budway. "Globally, aluminum recycling saves 95 percent of the energy needed for primary aluminum production."
Determining global standards for recycled aluminum
In addition to discussions around decarbonization, the summit reaffirmed the need for increased global standardization on how the industry calculates recycled content in aluminum beverage cans and reports sustainability data.
"As the standards and certification organization for the full aluminum value chain, ASI recognizes the importance of product-related claims as one driver of sustainability," said Dr. Fiona Solomon, CEO of the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative. "CMI's method for recycled content in aluminum cans contributes to an important conversation about the balance between market expectations and sectoral change."
Krassimira Kazashka, CEO of Metal Packaging Europe, summed up the importance of the summit to the industry. "Our collaboration with leaders across the metal packaging industry is key to ensure that aluminum beverage cans remain a circularity champion," she said. "We are grateful for the innovative spirit and ideas put forward at the Summit and look forward to working together toward decarbonization and recycling progress in the future."
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