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February 2023 U.S. steel shipments fall 3.2 percent from prior month

A blast furnace in operation
The American Iron and Steel Institute has released statistics for February's U.S. steel imports. American Iron and Steel Institute

The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) has reported that for the month of February 2023, U.S. steel mills shipped 6,917,842 net tons, a 4.4 percent decrease from the 7,232,679 net tons shipped in February 2022. Shipments were down 3.2 percent from the 7,148,270 net tons shipped in the previous month. Shipments year-to-date in 2023 are 14,066,112 net tons, down 6.2 percent vs. 2022 shipments of 14,990,351 net tons for two months.

A comparison of shipments year-to-date in 2023 to the first two months of 2022 shows the following changes: corrosion-resistant sheet and strip, down five percent; cold rolled sheet, down nine percent; and hot rolled sheet, down 10 percent.

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