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Compost Council of Canada supports BAPE report recommending immediate action

Organic waste inside a paper bag
At the provincial level, treating one tonne of organic residuals through composting costs $62/t compared to an average of $137/t to dispose of the same through landfilling.

TheBoard of the Compost Council of Canada, representing major players involved in composting and organics management in Canada, welcomed a new report published by Quebec-based Bureau des audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE) on the inventory and the management of waste residues.

In the Council's brief presentation to the BAPE in May 2021, the following recommendations across four main areas were made:

  1. Prioritize sorting at source by citizens
  2. Invest in education and communication on the multiple benefits of organics recycling
  3. Promote the uses of compost
  4. Re-examine the Ministerial Guidelines on Composting Facilities

According to the Compost Council it appears that the work of the commission concludes that the sound management of organic matter is indeed an immediate imperative with rapid benefits because "it is a simple and meritorious technology". The report also emphasizes that while at the provincial level, treating one tonne of organic residuals through composting costs $62/t, it compares to an average of $137/t to dispose of the same material through landfilling. It is therefore an economical solution for society.

The Council also fully expressed support of an increased role for Recyc-Québec to further promote the circular economy and act as a "central player in the management of residual materials," with full cooperation in continuing to "stimulate a synergy of action focused on the convergence of environmental and ethical values."

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CA, M6H 1P7


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