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SWANApalooza sessions available for topics such as COVID-19, marine litter, PFAS and more

SWANApalooza sessions available for topics such as COVID-19, marine litter, PFAS and more

The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) is making individual keynote sessions from virtual SWANApalooza available for purchase. 

This gives solid waste and recycling professionals a way to satisfy recertification requirements from the comfort of their home or office. Each session provides the purchaser with 1 SWANA Continuing Education Unit (CEU). Session topics include the impact and steps to recovery from COVID-19, marine litter, PFAS, zero waste, recycling, and the state of the solid waste and recycling industry.

Available sessions include:

COVID-19: The Impact on Solid Waste Operations and Lessons Learned

New York City's Commissioner Kathryn Garcia sits down for a conversation with SWANA CEO David Biderman and provides a first-hand account from the epicenter of this pandemic about impacts, lessons learned, and resiliency. 

Ocean Plastics & Marine Litter

Dr. Jenna Jambeck, a leading global expert on marine litter, shares her latest work and discoveries in waste management innovation -- from marine plastic pollution to novel biodegradable materials. Learn how the world of solid waste management is changing with the availability of new technology and information.

PFAS Management Research in Solid Waste Landfills 

This keynote session examines the findings and state of research being conducted by the U.S. EPA, North Carolina State University, University of Florida, and EREF to further understand the environmental risks posed by PFAS in solid waste management and to identify practical approaches to manage PFAS. Covered topics include methods to sample and analyze PFAS, PFAS modeling, leachate treatment technologies, and lifecycle and economic assessments.

Legislation and Policies Needed to Reach Zero Waste to Landfill by 2040

Stephen Simmons, President of Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc. and a lively panel explore the legislation, investment and national capacity-building that will help North America foster the resilience and sustainable and economical materials management needed over the next 20 years to deliver on the 'zero waste to landfill by 2040' promise.

Overcoming Recycling Challenges and Taking Advantage of New Opportunities

Recycling was the biggest industry challenge before COVID-19 and is rapidly emerging again as a major issue.  Join the EPA's Kathleen Salyer, Susan Robinson from Waste Management, and other recycling experts in an engaging conversation about how local governments and the industry are tackling challenges in recycling and embracing new ways and opportunities for managing it.

COVID-19: Steps to Recovery

Join five solid waste leaders, including Waste Connections CEO & President Worthing Jackman and SCS Engineers Vice President Michelle Leonard, as they discuss the steps that the industry and local governments need to take as we navigate to the "new normal" in a post-COVID world.

The State of Solid Waste: The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same

Join Michael E. Hoffman for a discussion on what and how public agencies, public/private service companies, suppliers and vendors are adapting to the significant alterations to their operating model posed by COVID-19. This includes changes in relationships with employees, vendors and customers. The big environmental issues, such as PFAS, CO2, GHG, HG, CH4, CCRs - environmental services can and should own this discussion.

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Silver Spring, MD
US, 20910


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