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Timeline extended for Ontario Blue Box transition

Guy C curbside truck and guy photo 2019
Photo by Guy Crittenden.

Ontario stakeholders now have until July 8, 2020 to submit input on how the province's Blue Box recycling program should be transitioned to a full producer responsibility model.

Currently being developed by Stewardship Ontario, the plan was originally scheduled for submission to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) on June 30, 2020 but the timeline has been revised as follows: 

• Stakeholder feedback on transition plan proposals extended to July 8, 2020
• Transition plan submitted to RPRA no later than August 31, 2020
• RPRA approval maintains original deadline of December 31, 2020
Consultation materials supplied by Stewardship Ontario originally scheduled for the week of April 6 have been postponed and are expected to be made available to stakeholders shortly.
Stewardship Ontario says they will be reaching out to stakeholder group associations to schedule meetings and discuss initial feedback on the materials before the rescheduled consultation webinars.

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1 St. Clair Ave. West, 7th Floor Toronto, ON M4V 1K6


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