RECYC-QUÉBEC awards funding to SANEXEN for pilot project to recycle and manage fine residues from CRD

RECYC-QUÉBEC has awarded funding to SANEXEN Environmental Services Inc., Canada's leader in soil rehabilitation, for Phase 1 of an innovative project to recycle and reclaim gypsum residues and fine residues from the CRD (construction, renovation and demolition) sector.
As the Quebec Residual Materials Management Policy calls for fine residues to no longer be buried in landfills, CRD debris sorting centres are facing sizeable challenges. SANEXEN therefore proposes a solution to recycle and reclaim the fine materials, which would then avoid having to bury over 90% of fine residues from CRD debris sorting centres.
Phase 1 of the project, backed by RECYC-QUÉBEC, would transform fine residues into materials that could be reclaimed using SANEXEN's own physicochemical treatment process. Moreover, this is the first traceability project in Quebec for residual materials coming directly from the source of production (CRD debris sorting centres) to a reclamation centre dedicated to processing this material. This traceability project is part of SANEXEN's commitment to transparent and environmentally responsible management of these residual materials. Moreover, a project with the private sector had been carried out in 2019, in collaboration with Avatek Immobilier and Traces Québec.
"This is the first technologically and economically viable solution that will result in less than 10% of CRD fine residues ending up in the landfill at the end of this large-scale, one-year project," said Martin Bureau, Vice-President, Innovation, SANEXEN.
This initiative will also help define the following aspects: what can actually be considered fine residue as opposed to waste and the type of fine residues that may be reclaimed. A more thorough definition of fine residue that can be reclaimed will also help refine possible markets for this material.
"This innovative project will help the whole CRD debris recycling industry make great strides as it is a key matter for Quebec," concluded Éric Sauvageau, Executive Vice-President, SANEXEN.