Experienced recyclers who are retired or semi-retired but who would like to still be involved in the industry now have a home through the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI). ISRI recently formed the Century Club for individuals who desire to network with peers, maintain friendships, and stay active in the scrap recycling industry although they may no longer be associated with an ISRI member company.
"The recycling industry is built around close relationships," said Robin Wiener. "It is these relationships that have also made ISRI so special for so many people over the last 30 years. It is only fitting that ISRI be a home for industry veterans still looking to network and maintain their long-lasting friendships. As the industry continues to evolve, it is also important that it remains connected to the past. Members of the Century Club will also play a crucial role serving as mentors to the next generation of industry leaders with their knowledge, talent, and experiences."
To qualify, an individual must have a combined age and years of active participation in ISRI, and/or its predecessor organizations, Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel, National Association of Recycling Industries, and/or Paper Stock Institute that meets or exceeds 100 years. Benefits include:
- One half-day Expo Hall registration at the ISRI Annual Convention & Exposition and an evening networking reception included with membership;
- Inclusion of your name, email address and phone number in the printed ISRI Membership Directory; and
- Receipt of one copy of the ISRI Membership Directory.
ISRI's Century Club will hold its first gathering on April 17 at ISRI2018 in Las Vegas for an educational session in the morning, followed by an afternoon exploring the expo hall, and capped off by a club member-only cocktail reception.
To participate, individuals must pay an annual fee of $500 and complete an application.